Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Suck At Blogging!

Soooo...the whole point of blogging is to like post about things all the time and we have obviously been sucking hard at doing this! So last night, when we were brashing at like the most obnoxious coffee shop in Royal Oak ever (no names...cuz obviously some major douchbags love going there, plus we don't want to be mean) we decided, while shielding our eyes from the clouds of hookah smoke that we would try and blog at least once a day about whatever. I decided that the first of these blogs should be about us sucking at doing this. Hopefully it will be a motivator for us and we can get our act together!!!

Aside from sucking we have been hard at work trying to put all of our stuff online on etsy. We have like 40 pieces up now which is the most we've had since we started our site and we are so excited and have tons more pieces to put up. Plus we will be making a whole new collection while clearing out our current pieces! We are really excited about this. :)


xoxo, j.brash

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